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Arya Trader works in all brokerage houses that provide Meta Trader 4 platform and allow the use of Expert Advisor. If you do not have a Meta Trader 4 account, you can contact us.

Follow These Steps

  1. Sign Up (If you don't have an or account yet)
  2. Login.
  3. Choose the package you want and make your purchase from the Price List
  4. Enter the promo code you received after making your payment

    You will receive the promo code within 24 hours via your e-mail address. Please follow the following steps to see how to add a coupon code:

    Once you log in, click on My Account at the top right of the site. Type the voucher / promotional code in the “Use Voucher” field on the menu below. Click the Use button. If your voucher is valid, you will receive a message regarding it. You can view your robot usage rights downloaded from and your robot list if any. You can see your free rights of use in the second column. The Robo ID section appears blank because you have not yet assigned a robot. You can see the Robo ID section in this list as you add robots. The remaining columns display the number of days left, the renew button, and the delete button.

    Add a new robot

    Click the desired robot on When you click the “+ My Portfolio” button in the details of the robot, you add the robot to your portfolio. On the My Portfolio page, you can see the robot you added.

    Predefined Portfolios

    You can also add predefined portfolios to your own portfolio from page.

    Enter your investment amount and the lot size you intend to trade and click the Calculate button.

    Predefined portfolios are displayed as total return, monthly return, and return per transaction. Total return is the total earnings of the robots in the portfolio from the date they started working. Monthly returns are the average monthly earnings of robots. The average return per transaction is calculated by dividing the total earnings by the total number of transactions. These options show only 20 portfolios, while the All option lists all predefined portfolios.

    Select the portfolio you want to use or review. Click “Buy” to add it to your portfolio. Robots will be added to your portfolio if you have enough free robot rights.

    If the system charges you, it means that you don’t have enough free slots. You can delete as many robots as needed from the My Portfolio page and have free slots. Or you can add the right to use the robot by making a new purchase.

    You can send the selected portfolio to the simulation by clicking the Send to Simulation button.

    The Distribute Equally button distributes the lot size you entered evenly between the robots. The recommended lots are values calculated according to modern portfolio theory and Monte Carlo simulation. Calculated by a taking minimum risk and maximum return into consideration. When you click the “(Distribute) As per Recommended Lots” button, the total lot size you set is distributed to the robots in the recommended sizes.

    Attention: The total profit of transactions carried out according to the recommended lot size may be lower than equal distribution. This is because the robots are calculated according to the minimum risk in the transactions they will perform together. Your risk appetite and profit expectation may be different. Note that the profit will generally be less than the recommended lots.

    When you start the simulation, the process graph of each robot is created separately. The Portfolio tab at the top of the graph gives the results of the transactions performed by all robots together with the lot size you specify. Click on each robot’s name one by one to see their graphs. By clicking the Buy button, you can add all robots in this predefined portfolio to your portfolio at once.

  5. Download Arya Trader Expert Advisor for Meta Trader 4 software or Meta Trader 5
  6. Follow the installation instructions for Meta Trader 5 or Meta Trader 4.
  7. Click on a robot graphic of your choice.

    Select Chart

  8. Click the "+ My Portfolio" button.Add to my portfolio

Always perform installations on a single chart. All robots you have selected or will select will operate in a single chart. For example when you add 6 robots to your portfolio, you have to install them on only one chart. In case you have installed them on 6 charts separately, the same process opens 6 times! For example, you have selected robots that trade in GBPUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY parities. When you install a single Arya Trader Expert Advisor plug in on the EURUSD chart, all the robots trading on this parity will work. The matter of parities differing does not pose a problem. In addition, the choice of the timeframe is also insignificant.

Each robot trades in only one parity and it only opens one transaction at a time. One transaction will not open before the other transaction is closed. These are factors that reduce the risk. Low number of transactions reduces the risk. Opening more transactions will increase your risk. It is recommended that you focus on the number the robots have won, rather than focusing on the number of transactions. You can increase the number of transactions by using multiple robots. Arya Trader trading logic does not rely on scalping of other robots or more numbers of transactions. It focuses on sustainable profit with less transactions and less risk. To use ready-prepared portfolios, you can refer to

Follow These Steps to Install the Expert Advisor

  1. If you have not yet downloaded Arya Trader Expert Advisor, download it from this link.
  2. Open the MetaTrader Software. On the File menu, click “Open Data Folder”. In the opened Windows Explorer, open the MQL4 -> Experts folders. Copy the AryaTrader.ex4 file you had downloaded to this folder. Then close the Meta Trader and open it again.

    Select Data Folder Mql Folder
  3. In the MetaTrader program, click Tools-> Options. In the Option window that appears, click the Expert Advisor tab.

    Meta Trader 4 Options

  4. Make sure the Allow WebRequest for listed URL option is selected. Add to the list below and click OK.

    Expert Advisor Options Tab

  5. In the Metatrader Navigator window, double-click AryaTrader under Expert Advisors. In the window that appears, select “Allow live trading” from the Common tab.

    Add Expert Advisor

  6. On the Inputs tab, enter the user name and password you use on the site and press OK.
  7. After making the settings, the Auto Trading button should be pressed in Meta Trader program.

    Auto Trading

  8. If you do the installation correctly, Arya Trader will display the smiley face in the upper right corner of the graphic screen.

    Arya Trader Expert Advisor

For detailed information, you can refer to the user manual.